WebSite of the MONTH This section reviews and awards a certain Site that is cool enough to be in this cool zine and be talked about being cool and tell everyone that thier site is cool. Cool eh?? This Month's site: Neverness (, owned and operated by Prescient) Prescient has done an excellent job creating the ultimate one stop resource for all your hacking/cracking/phreaking/utilities/etc/etc/etc needs. Prescient's site has just about every hacking/cracking prog you would ever need or want or even think about wanting. Remember when I talked about how you could find a prog that wasn't included with this issue, well you could find it here. Prescient's amazing job of organizing resources and files and all the info on that site is outstanding. He also explains why he does what he does. The news there is very current and very up-to-date and very reliable. When I say one-stop resource, that's what I mean. Prescient has collected and compiled most likely the largest resource for apps and progs on the internet. Tons of files and programs to choose from. No matter what you're lookin for, has got it. Want texts or how-tos to something? Got them too. also hosts the most kick-ass e-zine ever, C.H.A.O.S. - heh, I had to put that in for good measure you know. So, what else can I say? This place is IT. Just from seeing a preview for the first time, blew my mind. So, I wish to congradulate and thank Prescient and for the outstanding one-stop place for everything you need. Congratulations! The Q Do you have a website or a site you would like to nominate for future Sites of the months? Send it to